Elbow Bread

My paternal grandfather was an intelligent man and he liked puzzles. One he had been trying to solve for years was the reconstruction of a draughts’ board puzzle. The flip side of the box had the following text:


In the days of the ancient civilisation of the Orient, the great prophets were ordered by their Emperors to devise a new penal code which would be used against evil doers, without resorting to physical torture.

After labouring for many years they decreed that the length of imprisonment would depend on how long the prisoners took to reassemble a black and white mosaic that had been cut into 12 pieces.

A few prisoners found a quick solution by a stroke of good fortune but the majority, sad to relate, passed their lives baffled and in mental anguish before solving this challenging puzzle.

This puzzle has come down through the ages, its challenge undiminished.

Now produced in plastic by modern methods it is passed on to you.

Can YOU solve it?

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(C)2024 Lincoln W. Betteridge